Monthly Archives: June 2023


Two realtors, three attornies and three years AFTER the finalization of my divorce and I have the property exclusively in my name! Woot!!

I also have guilt which is as deep as the oceans. . . One of my sisters once asked me, after having been married for two or three years if I had any regrets. This in front of the hoarding narcissist from whom I am now divorced. At the time I told her “Absolutely not! I love my life!” Truth be told, I should have told her the truth that I was trying to get out of this marriage but I was afraid. . . afraid of being hurt, afraid of hurting others, afraid mostly of disappointment from my crazy mother who would then push my dad to be disappointed. . .If I had known then what I know now. . . I am so very thankful to my children for not having learned this lesson!